Understanding the Language of Sustainability As the push for sustainable packaging grows,…
At PI, we like to stay on top of the latest packaging trends. Lately, we’ve noticed that many companies have focused on redesigning the looks of the products as a way to stay in the forefront of consumers’ minds. See how you can plan your own product packaging redesign for your company’s products:
In the past few years, we’ve seen some major changes in the packaging world. Many companies are even switching from other materials, like glass or paper, to blister plastic packaging. Ramlosa, the carbonated mineral water, has switched from glass to plastic bottles, and Planters has, too. Smart Balance redesigned its polypropylene tubs to increase warehouse efficiencies up to 60 percent and reduce the company’s energy usage up to 18 percent. Whether your redesign is for aesthetic, practical or environmental reasons, your company’s packaging should represent your innovation as a company. You’ll want to create an aesthetic appeal, but your redesign should represent your company’s ideals as well. While it may not be easy, your products will benefit from packaging that is functional yet still artistically designed.
A product’s packaging needs to be constantly evolving. By creating a new package design, you’ll spark an interest in your customers. While you may not be making any changes to your core product, a packaging face lift can bring attention from both old and new customers to your company.
As you plan your packaging redesign, don’t forget to keep your product as functional as ever. Just because a particular design may be eye catching, if it diminishes the performance of the product, it could ultimately hurt your company. Remember, using novelty designs may be fun and exciting for your company’s plastic packaging redesign, but you’ll want to be practical. To make sure your packaging redesign is successful, start small. You can create clear cutout designs in your existing packaging to better display the product to consumers. Or, you can transfer your product to a different medium, like Domino Sugar did.
At PI, we’ve noticed that the most successful product packaging redesigns come after extensive design drafts and testing. Take the time to plan your company’s packaging redesign before implementing any changes, and you’ll reap the rewards.